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Schneider adding holiday pay in 2020

A gift wrapped in $50 bills waits to be opened.
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By Pat Lilja

Drivers asked for it, and Schneider has responded. We’re excited to announce that in 2020, company drivers across all service offerings will receive holiday pay.

Holiday pay details

Starting Jan. 1, 2020, drivers will receive six paid holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Fourth of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas

The amount of holiday pay is determined by Schneider tenure.

More details will be shared later this year to Schneider’s current drivers during benefits open enrollment period and drivers applying to join the company.

More recent pay upgrades

Schneider evaluates driver pay every week, and holiday pay joins a long list of recent driver pay upgrades:

More examples of upgrades based on driver feedback

The pay upgrades above are just some of the changes introduced as part of Schneider’s long-term, company-wide Driver Experience initiative, focused on improving all facets of the driver experience. Several other examples of driver feedback leading directly to change include:

We will keep listening and keep responding to drivers.

Ready to upgrade to holiday pay and a better driver experience?

Schneider is hiring truck drivers now throughout the country. You at least owe it to yourself to explore what’s available near you.

About the author
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Pat has been with Schneider for 36 years, and is currently Senior Transformation Partner for Driver and Owner-Operator Compensation and Hire-to-Pay Processes. He works to ensure accurate and timely compensation that is market competitive and performance based, designed to attract and retain driver associates. He has held several other roles, including Regional Operation Director, Director of Van Operations Support, Director of Pay Services and Operation Center Manager.

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