The 17 best stretches for truck drivers to do every day

By The Schneider Guy
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
As a truck driver, it’s important to focus on your health and well-being while out on the road. One of the best ways to do this is to incorporate stretching into your daily routine. Doing so can help you maintain mobility, prepare your muscles to work and reduce your risk of injury.
See below for our list of 17 stretches for truck drivers to incorporate into their routine.
Top 17 stretching exercises for truck drivers
These stretches can be done before you start driving, during your breaks or once you are done working for the day. Or, do these stretches before or after your workout routine.
In general, attempt to hold each stretch for at least five seconds and up to 30 seconds. Repeat each stretch three to five times.
4 leg stretches for drivers
1. Toe raises – Start with both feet flat on the ground. Push your weight forward to stand on your tip toes. Hold and release your heels back to the ground.
2. Hamstring stretch – Keep one foot flat on the ground and place your other foot on the outside step of your truck. Both legs should be completely straight, forming a 90-degree angle. Lean your weight forward, keeping your spine straight. A stretch will be felt along the back of your thigh.
3. Calf stretch – Plant both feet flat on the ground, but stagger one foot about 1-2 feet behind the other. Hold onto the door of your truck and lean your weight forward so your front knee is bent and your back knee is straight. A stretch will be felt in the calf of your back leg.
4. Thigh stretch – Keeping one leg straight with your foot planted on the ground, bend your other leg at the knee and kick your foot up near your butt. Hold your foot with the opposite hand near your butt while also holding on to the door of your truck. Make sure to keep your spine straight. A stretch will be felt in the front of your thigh.
2 back stretches for drivers
5. Back extension – Stand straight up with your feet shoulder-width apart and place each of your hands on your hips with your elbows sticking out. Slowly lean back. Hold and return to standing up straight.
6. Knees to chest stretch – Plant one foot on the ground and place the other on the outside step of your truck. The leg with the foot that is placed on the step should form its own 90-degree angle. Lean your weight forward into your raised knee. Hold and release.
4 shoulder stretches for drivers
7. Swimmer’s stretch – Grasp both hands behind your back and extend both arms outward. Hold and release. A stretch should be felt across your chest, front of shoulders, and often your upper and middle back.
8. Stretch across – Take one arm across the front of your body and place your hand on the top of your back. Situate your free hand on your elbow and slightly push the arm into and across the body. A stretch should be felt in the back of your shoulder.
9. Butterfly stretch – Place both hands on the back of your head, with your elbows pointing out. Push your elbows back as far as you can. Hold and release. A stretch should be felt across your chest, front of shoulders, and often your upper and middle back.
10. Reach for the sky– Stand straight up and put both hands in the air. Reach up as far as you can. Hold and then drop both arms. A stretch should be felt in your shoulders and underarm region.
2 neck stretches for drivers
11. Chin tuck – Stand straight up with your head held high. Tuck your chin into your neck and raise the back of your head. Hold and then release your head to a comfortable position. A stretch should be felt along the back of your head at the base of your skull.
12. Upper trap stretch – Tilt your head toward your shoulder and use your hand to provide light pressure. Hold and bring your head back to the center. A stretch should be felt along the side of your neck and the top of your shoulder.
1 elbow stretch for drivers
13. Triceps stretch – Bring your arm overhead and grasp your elbow with your opposite hand. Bend your elbow to reach down to the middle of your back. A stretch should be felt along the back of your upper arm.
4 hand stretches for drivers
14. Open/closed fist – Start with a closed, clenched fist. Open your hand and spread your fingers out wide.
15. Thumb stretch – Start with all five fingers spread wide. Put your thumb inward and touch the bottom of your pinkie finger.
16. Wrist flexion/extension – Stretch one arm straight out in front of you. With your palm facing down, pull your hand downward and feel a stretch in the top of your forearm. Next, while continuing to keep your arm straight, pull the hand upward and feel a stretch on the underside of your forearm.
17. Prayer stretch – Place your palms together at the center of your body. Lower your hands until a stretch is felt in your hands and forearms.
It is recommended to consult a physician before starting a new stretching routine or if extreme discomfort is felt while stretching.
Discover more ways to stay healthy out on the road

Schneider Guy loves the "Big Orange." He's passionate about the trucking industry and connecting people to rewarding careers within it. He's been the eyes and ears of our company since our founding in 1935, and he's excited to interact with prospective and current Schneider associates through "A Slice of Orange."